Category Archives: TV Watchin

Living Vicariously: My Bravo TV addiction

I have a confession to make….
I was going to write tonight about how we landed an art gallery (next post I swear) or about the newest project from Amy Butler’s Little  Stitches for Little Ones, but no, I must make this confession.

I have I a fever and the only thing that can heal it is more Bravo TV.  Yes, that is right, I have a crush on all things Bravo television.

I am supposed to be working right now on a HUGE order but I am not (I am so sorry Melissa! I swear your order is so so close!)  (Yes we are going to be in Yummy Goods, Melissa’s new shop which is another thing that I am super duper excited about, in fact that will be next post because it is so super cool, but back to Bravo)

Okay so I will start off with my all time favorite, I would be in LA chasing him if he weren’t gay, Jeff Lewis from Flipping Out. He is so crazy he is sane. Jeff Lewis is bringing crazy back, which is good for people like me! His staff loves him even though he makes them do things like return his coffee if it isn’t 140 degrees and dictates the percentage of liquids that should go into his drinks (70 percent lemonade/20 percent punch/10 percent Sprite)  

I love him because he is neurotic and he doesn’t apologize for it. He doesn’t know this, but Jeff and I, we are kindred spirits! haha.  I don’t miss episodes of Flipping Out.  In fact I think I have seen each one at least 3 times. Yes it is sick I know.

Secondly, I am in love with Date My Ex.  Not a fan of dating shows, but this one is special. Slade Smiley is finding a new boyfriend for his ex-girlfriend Jo De La Rosa and more importantly he is finding a place in my heart. I am beginning to think my husband is jealous of my Date My Ex watching. He tried to change the channel every time it is on which is isn’t a good idea if he wants to keep all his limbs. I am so emotionally invested in this show. Slade is the greatest guy and Jo walks all over him. I just want her to ditch all the guys she is dating and go back to him because he LOVES her! It doesn’t hurt that Slade is the babe of the century:


I can’t leave out Bravo’s newest show Million Dollar Listing.  The main characters are all very young real estate agents in LA who sell million dollar listings, just like the title says. Again, besides the eye candy:

The show is super entertaining and informative. I will probably never buy one of these 3- 10 million dollar gems so I like illusion that I know what it feels like to drop that kind of money.

Then there is my undying love for Project Runway, which really I don’t need to tell any of you about. We all know what a killer show that is. Even if you hate it, you love to hate it. You just can’t help it, admit it.

If you know me you know how I hate the television. I hate wasting time, mostly I hate the trash that is on, and I hate the noise of it. Luckily for me my new website needs to go up ASAP and I am doing part of the work myself to save money — on my computer — in my living room– in front of my TV set which happens to be on and stuck on the Bravo channel.

Maybe I need to get a life and stop living through Bravo TV characters but that will wait till tomorrow. Right now, new Project Runway episode and at midnight I shall visit my lonely sewing machine, I promise!