Category Archives: Blog

Paper or Plastic?

I am pretty sure that I just went through the most complicated process of all time — applying for a merchant account.  However, on a positive note, Mimi Green now accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and we are in the Discover Network. Yahoo! VISA MASTERCARD LOGO

What does this mean to our customers? Well it means that they won’t have to go get a PayPal account to purchase things through our store. And to me, well to me it means that I have a real, live business on my hands.


I will spare you the boring details, but getting an Internet merchant status is near impossible. And it should be I suppose.


Once in college I had just gotten my financial aid dispersement and I went camera shopping on the Internet. Found one on Ebay whose price was literally too good to be true. I sent the man the money only to find out that he had broken into someone else’s Ebay account and was now long gone with my $700.


People like that ruin it for the rest of us who just want to sell their handmade dog collars hassle free. But after all that I am feeling better about buying things from anyone with a

badge on their site. This means to me that the seller had to give a blood sample, a DNA test, pass a lie detector, all while hopping continuously on one foot. At one point I think I promised my first born to the bank if I commit any on-line fraud;)

So now that everyone know for 1000000% sure that I am not going to rip them off they will come…right?


Speaking of Mastercards, last year we were on a plane there was no room to sit by me so Noah had to sit 2 asiles away. He told the man next to him that his daddy has a Master’s degree and then proceeded to say that his mommy has a Mastercard, “Right Mommy, you have a Mastercard?” He shouted across the plane as if it was quite an accomplishment.  I’m not going to be adding that one to my top ten list any time soon, but the fact that I got through the acceptance process to accept Mastercard, now that is what I call an accomplishment!

The Newswire vs. Bernina ; and Kafka vs. Logic

    For months I have made 24 hours a day into 36. Between a new baby, a budding business and working 9pm-7am at the Newswire, I have barely been able to formulate a complete thought lately. Something had to give and I don’t think Auggie has any plans to move out a get a job anytime soon, nor is Mimi Green going to be shelved. But I really like the people I work with at the Wire too and I like the security it gives me. I have shed a lot of tears trying to make a good decision.

But then a week and a half ago I am sitting there and out of the blue a Kafka quote appears in front of me. He says, “Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” 

    Now I wouldn’t say that I am obsessed with Mimi Green (although my family might tell you otherwise) but this company is my most intense passion. I love every part of it from choosing materials to work with, to the design, to working with all the fabulous people I have met in this journey. There hasn’t been a part of this where I have wished that I was somewhere else. This feels like home to me and I finally had to admit that to myself. 


     So, as risky as it is, I decided to leave the Newswire. Tuesday, July 15th will be the final day that I am wide-awake while the rest of the world is soundly sleeping.  I am following my obsessions mercilessly, a little feverishly, and with much excitement.


    The upside is that Mimi will get great attention, I will actually get to spend time with my kids and husband, and I will have time again for leisurely activities like yoga and hiking.

    The downside is that I won’t spend 10 hours a day laughing with some of the wittiest people I have ever met, but I figure when I am up working long nights in the studio I will give them a call to remind them about things like the invisible manatee.


    I have to say that leaving this job feels like breaking up with a boyfriend. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve yelled, and I’ve lost a lot of sleep. But all in all I feel super satisfied with my decision.


    Next week I will be waking up as the sun rises, making my espresso drink, and starting my day here, in my new and improved studio space: 


    It is like an absolute dream come true. I am so sad to put an end to one part of my life, but I can’t wait to see what all of this new part brings. Just me, my trusty bernina, my pug, my two crazy boys, Mimi Green and a wing & a prayer…hehe.


    Kafka began the for mentioned quote with this “Don’t bend. Don’t water it down. Don’t try ot make it logical. Don’t edit your own soul according to fashion…”  This is going to be the mantra that I begin everyday from now on with. Everyday will be an adventure and I hope all of you who are reading this will be back again to see how it all unfolds!

Amy Butler’s ‘Little Stitches for Little Ones’ : A Retrospect of ‘In Stitches’, The Original


In celebration of Amy Butler’s new book, Little Stitches for Little Ones, I thought I’d take us back to 2006 and reminisce about her very fantastic book, In Stitches.


I could tell that I was getting old this year when all I really wanted for my birthday was Amy’s In Stitches and Amy Karol’s Bend the Rules Sewing. There were birthdays, pretty recent ones I am ashamed to admit, where all I wanted was a hookah to smoke really gross, sticky, Indian tabacco with my friends. Other recent ones I can’t really remember very well but I do remeber looking at the inside of a toilet a good part of the night.

Don’t get me wrong, getting old isn’t a bad thing for me– it was actually very exciting. I felt like a woman finally this past year and my hobbies were reflecting that. So anyway, here I am trying to explain to my husband what sewing books to buy me and he’s looking at me like I am telling him which tampons to get at the grocery store for me. “Jewelry, I want jewelry, ” I say and he can understand those requests, very well I am happy to say. I had to find someone else to buy me some Amy B. I email the links you see above to my sisters and mother. Unfortunately this threw them for a loop too. I ended up with a Amazon gift card from one sister telling me to order it for myself and a very irritated mother who told me that it is unlady like to tell people what to buy you if they aren’t asking.

Okay, fine. I think I would have had better luck asking for the hookah. So in a last ditch effort to get my hands on In Stitches, I have my infant son order the book for me. I gave him my credit card number of course and typed in Barnes and Noble’s web address for him, but that isn’t the point. I was sure that little Auggie wanted to get these books for me as a present, he’d been hearing me complain about wanting them for long enough
The day the two books arrived I was ecstatic!

AmybinstitchesI mean, look at these stunning photos, these  vibrant colors! I couldn’t put it down. Keep in mind that Mimi Green and Augustine had both just been born. I really didn’t have free time for Amy, but I was willing to loose sleep over it, for a few days anyway.

I did buy the vintage sheet Amy recommends for making her PJ pants. I bought Michael Miller fabric to make a quilt. I had super good intentions, I swear I did.

Although none of Amy’s patterns ever made it to my sewing machine I have no regrets. Amy’s book is nothing like the exercise equipment I bought that has now turned into another place to hang my clothes. Although not used for what it was intended for, I am in love with In Stitches.  This book is the book I’d want to be if I were a book. The gorgous colors, the stunning photography! Colin McGuire outdid himself with the photos, I so hope that he shoot Little Stitches for Little Ones.  The reason I don’t know for sure– Amy is only selling this on her website. It won’t be on booksellers shelves till early September.

That’s okay with me, I am still in my honeymoon with In Stitches anyway. There are truly few things that are better than an overcast day, a fine cup of espresso, and cuddling up on my big couch with this book. The pages are thick and matte. Bound by wire, you and your imagination can easily flip through and have the book lay flat (great for laying it on your sewing table — I’m told anyway. he he.) The lifestyle that this book portrays is one that I aspire to. It’s like everyday is a Sunday afternoon in a really hip, cool, stylish world. All you need are your comfy PJ’s, a big pillow to snuggle with and you are fabulous. As simple as that Ms. Butler is.

Today though i am making a promice to you and to myslef. I am going to pre-order Little Stitches for Little Ones and the day it gets here I am going to make something from it. Even if I have to rearrange the sun and the moon so I can have extra hours in my crazy day, I will do it. This time it won’t seem too selfish to me. Auggie really wants an Amy Butler kimono and new crib set, he told me so;)

Life is so super hard except when it’s easy — the abridged version…

Times have been strange since my last entry. 

We aren't moving to NYC. 
My Tweety espresso maker was crap so I returned it to the store. 
Our landlord had a bug you know where so he raised our rent. 
Something went array with the wholesale order I sent out last week

and Auggie got into an airtight canister and poured about $7 worth of newly ground espresso beans into his mouth, all over his head, in his walker and onto the floor. Can't blame him really. It was super good espresso and smelled like a dream come true. I wasn't mad, I was impressed really. The canister it was in snapped down on 4 sides — he must love coffee as much as his momma;)

A few other annoying things happened that I won't go into detail about in cyberspace, but lets just say that this week could have been like 10 million times better. 

But because of my ever positive husband and his wise words, I have picked myself back up and things are actually looking way better than they were before all these messes happened. Dan and I are totally liquidating massive amounts of material possessions that we just don't need. Tomorrow we are having a huge garage sale and after I listed it on Craigslist I actually pre-sold a lot of the items.  I will let you know tomorrow if getting rid things that I do like, but don't need, is as freeing as I think it will be. 

And the very most exciting thing is that we ordered new labels for Mimi Green– they are woven just like they are for human designer duds! Finally, we found a factory that will run small batches and is located in the U.S. (which is another blog entry all together, I am totally disgusted with the amount of outsourcing we as a county have forced ourselves into– I totally refuse to do it) 
They will arrive in 2 weeks and I can't wait! 

Here's to next week. Let the delicious coffee be made correctly on the stove in a coffee maker that is awesome, and the frustrations of my husband finding a job subside, and let the good times roll:)

Been a Looney Few Weeks

I know it has been awhile since I have blogged, but so many things have been going on.
I put up a new website that is about 75% functional as of this morning:

shop mimi green website
It took a ton of time, but I think it is probably worth the effort.

Thank God for a slow week at the news wire or I would have never gotten this done.
website new mimi

I used a program called Mac Web Site Builder. Long story short– they pretty much give you a blank generic website template and you try to figure out how to make it your own.

After staring at it for 20 or 30 hours now, I am not sure what to think of the final design. Hopefully after some sleep things will seem more clear.


Today Noah gets home from WI. He has been there for 17 days already! Wow, how time flies! Auggie kept Dan and I pretty busy the entire time which made it go by way faster than I thought it would. Anyway, I cannot wait to see him tonight.


Besides those two things, I mailed out my first big wholesale order last weekIMG_0434:


Dan applied for a job in NYC, interviewed last week and we should hear back any day now (fingers crossed)IMG_0439

Aug stared eating like it is going out of style. I don’t think that Dan and I are going to be able to afford to feed both these boys soon!

My mother in law came to see the boys a few weeks ago




And I got a Tweety espresso maker. Hehe.  The box is hilarious– it is from Italy and there are kids making and drinking espresso with their mom and dad on the back. I can’t wait to show Noah, he thinks that he likes coffee and is always trying to sneak it. Like mother like son I suppose!


There is no place like home

poppiesI've been thinking a lot lately about growth. 

I am feeling some growing pains at work which brings up so many new feelings. 

Watching Aug become a little man is both hard and exciting for me. I can't believe that only a few months ago he was a blip on an ultrasound screen and now he has opinions about things, he has places to go, things to see. 

And Noah, well compared to the little boy he was this time last year I barely recognize him. He has transformed out of his baby stage and after today he will be a third grader! I thought I was SO  old and mature in 3rd grade, that must be how he is feeling now too. 

And then there are these beautiful poppies that Dan bought for me at the beginning of Spring. They are finally growing and blooming but there is something quite strange about poppies – 

These amazing blooms, well they only last a few days. The slightest breeze, the sprinkle of water on their flower, even a very hot day and they are toast. So beautiful and so big, they get like 18 inches tall, but so fragile. 

But they are always growing new flowers. When one dies off there is 2 to take its place. So maybe this plant isn't so fragile after all. hmmm. 

Off to bed I go. Just like Dorothy and the Lion, these poppies have made me really tired. Well that and the fact that I just got home from working the overnight shift I suppose! But comparing my life to the Wizard of Oz just makes me feel cooler you know? 😉

Enjoy the Spring sunshine today! 

Easy Like A Sunday Morning.

Auggie and Momma had such a nice Sunday together. We sat on the couch, ate the most amazing vanilla cinnamon gelato, and watched some TV– what was on I don’t even remember. The taste of the yummy gelato was mesmerizing. One bite for mommy, 2 for Auggie. He went into a total gelato comma.


But then we went to hidden park and met up with Auggie’s friend Nigel and all was good again.  Picture_120

We napped the rest of the afternoon. Aug has grown 2 teeth in the past week and a half, plus he had his shoots on Friday, so he has been so super cuddly.

Noah joined us at the park for Aug’s play-date, he is such a good big brother. Here’s he and Aug in the tub.  Dan and I are the luckiest parents in the world. I wonder if all parents feel this way. Picture_086

Cessie is a model, you know what I mean….

Cessie had a bit of a photo shoot today, and she shook her little toosh on the, ummmm, dog walk. You can’t even tell anymore that 2 months ago she was homeless and she had major surgery on her arm. She has totally fattened up and her fur is growing back over her huge scar. Pug -tastic I say 😉

Auggie on the other hand, he didn’t think that this was any fun. Img_1992
I was so excited when I found  this jogging stroller at a garage sale when I was pregnant. Unfortunately, today was probably the 4th time Aug has ridden in it. But considering that I still have 30lbs of prego weight to loose, I think he will be ridding in it more and more now that it is nice outside.

Tomorrow Noah has a concert at the university– he is playing a guitar solo which I am so excited to see. And tonight, mommy and daddy have a date to go see  Wilco in concert.  I am assuming that Jeff Tweedy will be playing a guitar solo also, but it probably won’t be as good as Noah’s. 😉

Craft Show Goodness

I had so much fun at my first craft show. My grandpa made me a super cool display, my table looked pretty good for my first time, and the other artists were really sweet and nice to meet. Img_0370
It was Noah’s idea to bring his puppy;) She was wearing a Mimi Green collar of course. Img_0373

My mom and sister stayed with me all day and Dan brought the kids, including Cessie, down for a bit. But I have to say that it was exhausting. I did learn a few things that may help anyone who wants to do a show.

Craft Show Tip #1 — Dress in layers. I would have been doing a bit better in the morning if I had brought a jacket and a bit better in the afternoon if I had worn shorts. Yes, it is still cold here in NM in the morning time – can’t wait till we are over that!

Tip #2 Have a game plan about what you are going to say about your product. I didn’t think too much about that, and I am sure that even if I had it would have needed to be tweaked in practice, but at least I would have had somewhere to start. I may have sold more if I had "sold" my collars and leashes better.

Tip #3  Make sure to network with the other vendors. I met a lot of really cool women that I hope to work with again– plus now they have my info which is key. Sometimes it is about who you know.

Tip #4  Go in without expectations. Just like anything else in life, if you don’t expect things to happen you won’t get disappointed if they don’t. I wasn’t sure how it would go, which I was glad about later when I realized that I had a massive show/sewing  hangover of sorts.  I was so tired, I am still getting over it!

Tip #5  Have a colorful display. I looked at craft displays on Flickr before the show and got some great ideas. The more attention you can draw to you the better– this really means color and multi level views. If your display is flat you might find that your sales are too. And you can quote me on that one;)