Baby Yoda and Jango Fett

I am shocked, but I actually got Auggie and Noah's Halloween costumes before Oct. 30.  Really I can't take credit though. I wanted Noah and Aug to go as Shaggy and Scooby, but after days of fighting with Noah over it and him insisting that he was going to be Master Chief from Halo, he fianly compromised and I had to jump on it!  So, this year my little Auggie is going to be Yoda

and Noah is going to be Jango FettJango fett
— both of Star Wars. Yahoo! A themed Halloween fianally!

Cessie will be Darth Vader

And Etta and I are both  going to be Princess Leia
Although I am sure she will look better in the costume!

I want Dan to be Chewbacca, but he isn't biting;)

He doesn't want to dress up because at work he has to be the catapillar from Alice in Wonderland — his team is doing a themed thing also. There must have been a catapillar in Star Wars somewhere right?

Anyway, we tried the costumes on after we got home from Target and they looked so damn cute! Auggie was the best Yoda and he didn't even try to take the ears off plus Noah looked just like Jango in his costume.

And it made me so very happy. My 2 little boys, finally. I couldn't ask for much more.

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