Growing pains

Mimi Green has grown so much in the past year that it is time to get a bigger space. I have been so reluctant and until yesterday I hadn’t seen a building that I liked as much as our current studio.

Then I saw this listing on Craigslist — a space in Albuquerque’s historic Cal-Linn Building — the very building where Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975!

cal-linn building
call-linn building microsoft
cal linn building bill gates Right now it is a beautiful gallery called Arthaus 66, the current owners have done a fabulous job. The track lighting is great, the floors are stained concrete, and no detail has been overlooked.

cal linn bill gates paul allen
And I can finally have my own office through that red door — can you imagine?!? And maybe I can channel  Bill Gates and turn Mimi Green into a super company 😉

The only problem is that I need to find $84 K or somehow convince the current owner to rent to us. I will keep you posted on what happens, today I talked to the Realtor 4 times so hopefully we will know by weeks end.

So send positive thoughts our way. We need a fabulous building to make fabulous collars and leashes in and I really think this is the one for us!

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