Category Archives: Pups wearing Mimi Green

Mimi Green, Jonathan Papelbon, MSPCA and Gucci?? Say what?!

This month we had the honor of dressing a dog for the fashion show at the MSPCA-Angell Animal Tales Gala.  The Gala raised a whopping $481,000 for Boston’s MSPCA!

 Not only did we get to dress sweet Lucille in the fashion show, but Red Sox pitcher Jonathan Papelbon and his wife Ashley waked her down the runway!

Jonathan Papelbon & Mimi Green dog


Boston’s WCVB’s news reporter and anchor, Randy Price announced,

First we welcome Red Sox pitcher Jonathan Papelbon and his wife Ashley walking the beautiful Lucille, whose accessories tonight are by Mimi Green and Gucci.

Excuse me, were the words “Mimi Green” and “Gucci” used in the same sentence?!?! Heck yes they were! And to top it off “Jonathan Papelbon” too!!??

Jonathan Papelbon Red Sox & Mimi Green Leash / harness

Here’s Lucille with the shelter staff. The MSPCA does great work for animals in their community and we felt so happy and honored to be able to help in the small way we did.

MSPCA, Mimi Green, Jonathan Papelbon

(photos by Bill Brett and Topher Cox and beautiful Lucielle is wearing the Fidora Harness and Leash )




Mimi Green in a new light

I have so many customer photos to post soon, but I wanted to show everyone the AWESOME photos from Winston's mom, the genius behind EE Photography


(Mimi Green Hunter Collar, leash and Bow)

I still haven't seen Winston in his collar yet, but his mom Erin was nice enough to post these photos on her blog. If you live in the Abilene, Texas area and need a photographer, give Erin a call. She not only rocks as a photographer but is just the sweetest person.

I've never seen Mimi Green look so good! I wish I could sit Erin down and pick her brain for a few days 😉

Meet Molly and Olive…


It was their birthday last week.


They had a party with their litter mates.


Aw, yummy cake makes you really thirsty 😉


Aren’t they gorgeous?


They are Goldendoodles — their  mom is a black poodle and the dad is a red golden retriever.


I am so in love! I think they know how pretty they look in their Mimi Green flowers, or at least I hope they do 😉

Trixie & Peanut + Mimi Green!

We are finally on the Trixie + Peanut Website! yahoo!Screenshot1

They named the collars the "Harvest Collection" which I think is totally smart!

I don't see our flowers up there yet, but you can get them in the Trixie + Peanut store :

Trixie + Peanut
Located in New York City
at 23 East 20th Street
(btwn B'way + Park Ave)

Cross your fingers that the collection does well!

Meet Paris and Zoey, fashionistas extraordinaire

OMG, these photos make me so happy!  Here is Paris totally decked out in Mimi Green. Her momma is Carol of  Bloomingtails  Dog Boutique which is a super cool on-line dog shop you should check out if you haven’t already.




Can you even believe Carol’s garden?? I love the flowers — we have nothing like that here in NM.


This is Paris’s sister Zoey. Way too cute for words right??






Next week when we get our new doggie hair bows in — yes I am totally letting the cat out of the bag early because I am so excited about them! They match our collars — I am going to style my hair like Zoey’s 😉   I’m sure mine won’t be as cute though…


We love our customers!


Meet Gretel.  She is super fancy in her Tangerine (Harpo) Collar and Lollipop Flower, right?


Her mamma is Brown Eyed Fox and she was kind enough to write about us on her AWESOME blog this week. If you haven’t read her blog, run over there and do so. I love the photos, the design, and the writing.  I am totally addicted and although I wasn’t going to ad any more blogs to my Google Reader (I have way too many to read everyday!) I had to add hers.

If you want to look as beautiful as Gretel you can buy the collar here and the flower here 😉