In the wake of my 26th birthday (Sat, yahoo!) I have flown into reflection mode. How things have changed this year. If I would have made predications based on my state this time last year, I would have said that the year was going to be horrible.
Au contrer mon ami.
If all the years in my life were in competition for who was the best thus far, 2007 would win. Here is why:
1. Auggie was born.
I cried an awful lot last December. I had the baby blues somthing bad and no puppy or $500 esspresso machine or new furniture could make it stop. I really tried to bandaid it though.
In January I found out that I was pregnant. Next to my wedding day, this was the happiest day of my life.
It literally feels like a miricle that Auggie, only one short year later, is here— flesh and blood here. I didn’t think that he existed, not this year or any year. And not only has he made an appreance, but he is amazing. He is perfect. He is all mine.

2. I quit smoking.
Woohoo! I will live to be a very tawdry version of myself and damn my skin will look good. More importanly, I will be around to teach the grandkids about the importance of drinking good coffee, creating every day, and the power in buying handmade.
Oh, and I get to see Dan as an old man. he he.
3. I fell in love with my husband all over again.
Wasn’t sure that we were going to make it through the first year of marriage, but we did it and are way more crazy about each other than ever before. No pain no gain, eh?
He lets me be me. And he like me too. Couldn’t get any better than that.
4. We moved into an amazing house and got really cool jobs.
Love the new pad– there is so much room for all of us now. I must point out that the decorator was impecable. 🙂
Both Dan and I work as editors, he during the day and I at night. It works out perfectly. Noah and Auggie always have one of us home and what can I say, I like the night life.
5. I fell in love with sewing all over again.
I create, therefore I am. Anyway, that is what I tell myself for validation. It had just been so long and it felt so unbelievely good the first time I pulled something off my machine that was real. I always defined myself as an artist but I had to re-evaluate after I hadn’t created any art in months. I thought that I had lost myself. It is really fantastic seeing that part of me come back to life.

6. Lastly, and maybe most importanly, I am so healthy now. And I am sure that it is due to the 5 forementioned things that I have to be happy about.
Now I shall leave you with this:
“There are some days when I think I’m going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.”
~Salvador Dali