One good thing about working at a news distribution service on Christmas night was that I had 10 hours of uninterrupted time to do whatever I wanted.
And look what I did.
My aunt Lisa finally had her baby on the 23rd and she gave her a name the 25th — Sofia Louise after my grandma. So night before last I sat in my cubicle with my embroidery hoop and a jar full of thread sewing away.
All went well till it was time to go home and assemble the bib. Apparently staying awake all day Tuesday and then coming to work and staying up all night wasn’t good for my motor skills. It took me near 4 hours to make the bias trim, sew it on and wrap the gift up.
But here is my favorite part—
It has arm holes so that she can’t move it and accidentally get her shirt dirty. I know how important this feature is as Auggie will remove any article of clothing that isn’t tied onto him. And even then its likely that he will get it off, but that is another blog for a different day…
On the way to see her it occurred to me that there was a way easier strategy to making the bib. I hate how I over think things sometimes. I just need to remember that this was the prototype. I’ll make her another one when I get the recipe down pat, not that she notices my sloppy stitching and uneven bias work, but still. Her parents must have thought I was drunk when I made it. Yes, it was that bad.
Sofia is super cute as you can see from this picture of the back of her head. Meanwhile, I am super tired looking, but I swear it isn’t as bad as it looks. I am getting quite a bit of sleep which was confirmed when my aunt told me that she was up with a crying Sofia all night long. That has yet to happen to me with Auggie.
Thank God for small miracles.
Your mom must be very smart. Someday soon she will be able to travel and have fun with out having babies at home.
Even through she had four and never had a monment to herself – she will always remember how blessed and lucky she was to be able to stay at home and raise her beautiful smart daughters.