Doggie Throw Up No More

I’m pretty nuts over these Brake-fast bowls.
Granted poor Cessie didn’t come to us with very many teeth, still I get the feeling that isn’t the reason that she insists on swallowing her food whole.  Then some days if she has eaten, excuse me, frantically gobbled, too much food she throws it all up — whole.

This morning I read about this Brake-fast bowel and I think this is our solution. The pegs in the middle slow your pup down so the excitement of a big bowel of food doesn’t force them to swallow whole.

Plus they are only like 16 bucks. I wonder if we can get them for Shop Mimi Green…hhmmmm….

2 thoughts on “Doggie Throw Up No More

  1. Pecan Pie Puppies says:

    My Labrador has had this exact bowl for almost a year now and it’s great. I purchased it to prevent bloat, because he practically inhales his food. But with the bowl, it slows him down long enough so that he finishes at the same time as the other dogs…

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