Category Archives: Blog

Mimi Green in her natural environment….

I've been wanting to post these photos for over a month now and just haven't had time!  I met Nicole at     3 Dogs and a Chick  when I fell in love with her Adopt a Dog Shirts (witch I now own!) She placed a wholesale order with us and we have developed a great friendship!  Someday I want to go out to Ft. Walton Beach Fl to see her fabulous shop. Until then, I have these photos — doesn't her store make Mimi look so good!?

Mimigreen2 Mimigreen1

These next photos are from before she started carrying Mimi, but I want you to see how cute the store is


Also, you MUST go to Nicole's etsy shop to check out her treats, there are lots of new ones for St. Patrick's Day!

Bottle Baby Olive

Look what I caught little olive doing:
olive dog drinking baby bottle



She totally didn’t see what the problem was…


Cessie had to go and tell her…

So Olive very reluctantly pushed it away.


And spent the rest of the afternoon sulking.



Cessie had to console her…


And then all three dogs went and cuddled.



That was yesterday. Today I caught her with Auggie’s bottle again, but this time she chewed the nipple off! Good thing she is so cute and sweet!
I wonder if she was bottle fed — she seems to have the sucking thing down!

Black Beauties

pug and lab

Etta has no idea what to think of Olive. Neither do we really. See Olive came from, well, a family that maybe shouldn’t have owned dogs. When I met her I could see that she was underfed and VERY scared of people. I wasn’t sure that she was “my dog” since she wouldn’t even come near me, but my heart told me that I needed to help this girl out.

She is super sweet. Doesn’t have a single aggressive bone in her body, doesn’t bark, and gets along with the other dogs smashingly.  And look how beautiful she is! Her black coat is so shiny — totally stunning dog.

Problem is this: she is very withdrawn. We have had her here since New Years Eve and I still don’t feel like we have seen her personality. Poor thing has the weight of the world on her shoulders. I can’t tell if she is happy/ sad, cold/ hot, hungry…etc..  It is super sad to see an animal in such emotional distress.

I am worried that she will never open up, she doesn’t trust people anymore. She knows her new name, but she won’t come to it. In fact, if you want to pick her up you have to chase her around the house. I am doing everything I can think of to make her comfortable, but it isn’t working. I bought her a new bed, we have been taking her on walks, feeding her yummy food. Olive is so timid that she wouldn’t take a treat from my hand until yesterday. I have to beg her to eat too, for some reason she is scared of meal time.

If anyone has experience with a withdrawn animal, I’d love to know what came of it. She is such a gentle animal, I can’t believe that anyone hurt her. But now I don’t know how to bring her back and I want to so badly!

Cessie really likes her, which shocks me since she isn’t that into any other dog she has met. That must mean something right!!

Where did last month go?

I got so busy in Dec. that I didn’t get to post a single photo of my favorite pups, Noah and Augustine. Here is a recap f the past month, starting with Mr. Noodle- Head.


Auggie thinks it is SO funny to wear food on his melon. And who can blame him really.


Noah volunteering with Watermelon Ranch Animal Rescue. He wants to adopt every dog he sees, just like his momma 😉


Auggie is finally growing hair!


And an attitude problem!  His personality is so funny. He is so super chill, but if you make him angry, his wrath is EXTREME!


The boys opening presents..


Good thing Aug got a leather chair (just what every baby needs right?) from his Grandma, he was exhausted!

It was great being so busy, but I am kind of missing being able to do normal things like have dinner with friends or even posting on my blog!

Okay, gotta run. I have 2 pugs pushing my computer off my lap right now. More about Olive next time — she has quite a good story!

New Rescue Pug…

Look who we found…

black pug in a pink shirt

This beautiful baby didn’t have a home..

black pug in a pink shirt

We named her June bug…

black pug in a pink shirt

Then we changed her name to Olive and are calling her Ollie.

black pug in a pink shirt

She seems to be warming up to us fast. And shockingly Cessie loves her, she even let Ollie borrow her treasured pink shirt 😉

I really hope it works out so we can add another member to our family!