Category Archives: Blog

Fancy Doggie: Mimi Green Bow Ties

Mimi Green fashion collar bow ties

Our customers asked for it, and we finally did it! A boy’s alternative to the collar flower — a dog collar bow tie!

They were only going to come in boy colors, but when I saw how cute it was on Piggie, I had to do a pink bow too.


Mimi Green designer collar bow tieboy fashion dog collar accessory by mimi green

Web_greenfullMimi Green pink fashion collar bow tie
You can find them here: Dog Collar Bow Ties

This pink one reminds me of the bows Cinderella’s birds help her make for her dress;)

I’m so happy to finally have collar accessories that husbands will let you put on your boy dog! They attach just like the flowers, with ribbon and velcro — so easy.

If you want a color you don’t see, just email me and I will make it for you. I just made a black and white one for a customer — it turned out awesome!

Also, if you have photos of your dog wearing its new bow tie, please send them to me and we will feature them in our web gallery.

My favorite holiday, or anyday, cookie

I have a confession to make. I am a serious cookie-holic.  Don’t feel bad though, I am kind of proud of it 😉

Because of my addiction, I consider myself to be a cookie connoisseur of sorts. If you want to know about good cookies, I am the lady to ask.

Last year I came upon a recipe for Holiday Snowballs and I became infatuated. I made them a few times last Christmas, and at least 10 times this season so I think I have finally made the last adjustment to perfection.


Aren’t they beautiful!!??!! I actually took all of these beauties to our master seamstress Jessi’s holiday party and I didn’t even cry when I had to share them. I am proud of that too 😉

The recipe said to dust them in powdered sugar (so they look like snowballs) but this year I found that rolling them in sparkly sugar makes them look like jewels, which seems ever better.

So  here it is, my all time favorite cookie recipe:

Snowballs (aka super yummy shortbread cookies)

1 1/2 c. (3 sticks butter) softened

3/4 c. powdered sugar

1 Tbsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. salt

3 cups all purpose flour

1 bag Nestle white morsels

1/2 c. chopped nuts (I like them with pecans)

Preheat oven to 375.

Beat together the butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Slowly add the flour. Stir in morsels and nuts.

Then roll balls the size of your palm (roll in colored sugar if making them look like jewels is your bag) and put on cookie sheet and bake for exactly 12 minutes or until the tops are light brown.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar (if you didn’t roll them in sugar) and wait patiently for them to cool. They taste way better cool.


Tadda! Meet the best cookie you will ever eat.

Noah made them with milk chocolate chips and they rocked. They were super rich, but if you make them small they are great with a cup of coffee.

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of other things I could put in these babies, that’s when I finally had to talk to a professional about my obsession. lol.  I think that they would be amazing with walnuts and semi-sweet chips or even with no chips at all.

If you try this, let me know! I’d love to hear if anyone else thinks they are as good as I do. I like them so much I’d marry them, but don’t tell Dan!

Happy Pig-a-versary!

Today marks one year since Piggie, (aka Olive) came to live with us! 

 piggie pug and noah
She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I am so in love with this pug. Check out those beautiful eyes!


She got a new collar as her present for making our lives so awesome this year and touching our hearts more than any other dog I have ever had. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate with a doggie cake, I can't wait to see her dig in! 

Poor Piggie had it really rough the first 2 years of her life and at this point you would never know. It took her 9 months to start to warm up to Dan but now she is madly in love with him (and what woman wouldn't be really, he's a cutie ;) 

The first day I had her I wanted to give her back because she wouldn't even let me touch her. That would have been such a huge mistake. I called my friend Tracy to come over and see what a mess of a pug I brought home and she totally convinced me to give it some time because she could tell how sweet Piggie was. Boy was she right! 

So Happy Anniversary Piggie. I can't imagine my life without you!!



Please start to like my deer horns, they are here to stay and I think they kinda rock.

Love Amanda.


Super cool right? I bought it 4 doors down at an estate sale, decoupaged the wooden back, and painted the horns white.  I used the Amy Butler scrapbooking paper you can buy at Joanns, it was hard to choose which color because they all rocked, but I had to go with the Green. It was only right.

Dan isn’t very impressed, neither is Noah really. But I think they are so Anthropologie and so hip. What do you think?

We made it!

This year’s holiday season is finally behind us, and I have to say that I am pretty proud of everyone here at Mimi Green. In December alone we shipped over 315 orders — can you believe it???  Christmas 08 we shipped 40 orders, which seemed like a TON at the time. Boy, I sure wasn’t ready for the rush we had this year!

Although I was super tired and still don’t think I have recovered, we had a really great Christmas here at the Jackson-Miller house.

We put up a tiny tree for the kids. My mother in law sent Dan’s ornaments from when he was a kid and we used those.



The kids had a good time opening all the presents Santa brought, although every one Auggie opened from me he said “I don’t like it”.  The elmo slippers that I thought would be a huge hit made him cry!


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This hat wasn’t a hit either until Dan said he was going to wear it and then Auggie liked it 😉

Here’s a photo of one of the slower days! I hope all of you who got packages from us this Holiday Season loved your collars and leashes. I have some photos that I will post soon so you can see some our our customers in their holiday gear.


Here’s to a great new year! I think 2010 is going to be really good for us.I hope it is really great for you too.

xoxo, amanda

Mr. and Mrs. Macbooks

macbook pro pink

My new baby– her name is midge (since she is much smaller than my old one). Check out the sweet covers we got for them!

macbook pro covers skin

Mine got a tattoo of course;) All you have to do is find a sweet skin (aka laptop sticker) and attach it before the Speck cover and tada! Laptop tattoo. Dan inherited my 15'' Macbook Pro, which was named Cali but I think i will re-name her Marge since her coloring is like Marge Simpson's hair doo. 

Midge arrived on Friday and although her birth was almost painless, I did totally screw up by accidentaly deleting ALL of the Mimi Green files before switching them over to her. I got a cold and the meds just didn't agree with my brain.  Thank God for Mac's time machine witch had all but a few files saved. 

Dan also got a new baby just yesterday:

A brand new industrial machine! Now we will be rocking out collars just in time for the holiday season.


as you can see, we are swamped! The studio is a mess, but it is a glorious mess — I am so grateful that we are doing so well!

Crochet Awesome-ness

I found the most awesome scarf tutorial on lilibeth’s garden

for the sweetest winter scarf. Here’s the one I made:


I love it! And it looks great in all colors. Here is the one Hiedi of Lilibeth (who has a fantastic blog!!) made:


Awesome, right?  Now if I just could figure out how to make them for dogs… My Cessie gets very cold this time of year!