I love these pugs. If you have been following us for long, you probably recognize Zoe, Zack and their little sis Zelda Pug. They are probably 3 of our biggest cheerleaders, they’ve been wearing Mimi Green almost exclusively for the past 4 years!
They belong to my friend Tracy, she says they are a pug gang but I’m not too scared 😉 Although, anytime someone is missing an eye I gotta wonder what happened to the other guy in the fight! The missing eye defiantly makes Zoe look mysterious 😉
Zelda is wearing our new Cora collar, Zack is wearing the Tangerine Collar, Zoe is in the Madeline Collar and all three of them are wearing our laser engraved personalized collar buckles!
What I love about these personalized collars is that there is no need for noisy jingling tags, but Tracy likes the look of their handmade tags so these pugs wear both.
I know it must be hard to choose between the plastic and metal engraved buckle collars, so I thought I’d put together a list about each of their qualities to help.
- The plastic buckle is contoured, the metal buckle is not. (This is mainly why the Carlson Pugs are wearing the plastic)
- I like the look of the white engraving on the black buckle, it is really different and super good looking.
- The metal buckle feels really special. It weighs the same amount as the plastic buckle, but it feels more substantial.
- I like that the engraving on the metal buckle looks like the engraving on a dog Id tag. It just makes sense.
I think that either way you can’t go wrong. They are both really wonderful buckles and they are both super strong (which is very important in a dog collar buckle). My dogs are currently using the plastic buckles and we love them. I also have an engraved plastic buckle on my camera strap (pictures coming very soon — it looks SO cool!) with my named engraved. Tracy’s dad came up with that idea — brilliant, right!? I feel so happy every time I see my buckle with MY name on it! I imagine that my dogs feel the same way about their engraved buckles (well they would if they could read right!)