It has been the best of times. Really, it has. Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my first listing to etsy — the Cecilia Collar.
Now, a few incarnations later, the Cecilia is our all time best seller and it has a super close place to my heart.

I really can’t believe that it has been a year! I guess when you are working so hard, learning so much, and having so much fun times just flies by!
Even though it has been a really happy year, this week was really emotional for me. I really wanted to take inventory of my life and ask myself, “is this where I thought MG would take me after a year?” Truth is that I don’t know. I didn’t start this business with a plan — I just totally dove eyes wide shut!
In fact, before I started I did no research to find out what I needed to be a real-life company, I didn’t look to see what others were putting out there in the doggie fashion world, I didn’t worry — it just felt right so I did it! I know it must really bother some people in my life at times, but that is just me — if something feels right I go for it, if it doesn’t I stay away. I don’t always have clear reasoning, but I know what is right in my heart and Mimi Green was something that felt right for my family.
The decision to start MG was my own, but all the sweat and tears hasn’t been just mine. First my mom started helping me sew when I got so overwhelmed I just wanted to crawl up and hide. Then my sister Paula would come watch the kiddos for me so I could get some un-interrupted work done and when she wasn’t here Dan was entertaining them and keeping them out of momma’s way! Auggie has grown up with the sounds of my machine — he even had a bed in my studio until I had to make more room for a second machine. And why you ask? Well because my wonderful husband jumped on this runaway train and joined me in the venture this January. Lately, my mother in law has helped us with the flowers– she sends boxes from Wisconsin full of them every week!
And then, not to be forgotten, there is my little sis Paula who not only watched the kids, but learned the biz and is now just as valuable to the process as Dan and I are. She comes over every day after school and keeps us sane and organized. As you can see, it really has been a gigantic group effort.
Noah helps with things that he can like sweeping the studio or connecting buckles. Even Auggie gets in there and makes huge messes helps out! 😉
I won’t lie and say that it has all be fabulous. There have been a lot of ups and downs, mentally and financially, that have taken their toll this first year. I will say that I think that I have grown so much because of this and I have learned to be a better problem solver which isn’t my Strong suit!
Besides everyone who has helped me grow this baby, I am so thankful to all the awesome people I have met this year through Mimi Green. Customers in this industry are fantastic, I mean people who love animals are usually good people to be around! All the stores we have worked with have been great. In fact, I do consider some owners that I only talk to via email friends.
So what does this next year bring? I don’t know for sure, but I want to start it off running! Today I present to you our 1 year anniversary designs. And there are a many more than these that Dan has under his hat still!
Meet the ‘Annie’ Anniversary Collar:

The Buttered Popcorn Anniversary Flower:

The Blue Bird Tank:

And the Flying Heart Tank:

We have one more tank coming out this next week that will be super cute. I am dipping my fingers into the world of doggie T-shirt design — we will have lots to show you including some awesome 70s style iron-ons!
I hope you all keep following us this coming year. I think that now that we are finally acquainted with Mimi Green we will be able to spend the year coming up with even cooler products for your dog!